51% off Oil Change in Nanaimo at Mobil 1 Lube Express!
$29.10Sale Ends In:
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Do you lead a busy lifestyle? You need to make sure you give your vehicle the best maintence, and Mobil 1 Lube Express will do just that while allowing you to maintain your busy lifestyle! Check out Mobil 1 Lube Express at their newly opened located shared with Breeze Thru Carwash. Mobil 1 is the World's Leading Synthetic Motor Oil to keep your car running smoothly.
Find more information about the quality of Mobil 1 at: http://www.mobil.ca/Canada-English-LCW/default.aspx
Fine Print
- Includes up to 6L of regular oil, over 6L used additional charges will apply
- No appointments are necessary Store Hours: 8 am - 6 p.m. Monday - Saturday; 10 am - 5 pm Sunday
- Price includes HST
- Maximum 1 per customer, you may buy 2 for a friend (Max of 1 redemption per person)
- Cannot be combined with any other offers or promotions. Additional services are subject to charge
- Does not include synthetic oil or diesel trucks
- Expires: February 28, 2013
**Upgrade to Extreme Touchless Carwash for 50% off, Only $7.50
More Details
The Mobil 1 Lube Express and Breeze Thru Car Wash offer you all the convenience you need to maintain your car but also maintain your busy lifestyle. The professionals at Mobile 1 Lube Express will change your car oil on express, in approximately 15 minutes, without sacrificing on quality skill and professional knowledge.
Mobil 1 has been keeping people and machines moving since before the first gasoline-powered automobile. From the Wright brothers' first flight to the launch of the space station, from the first automobiles to the latest Formula 1 cars, Mobil oils have been continuously keeping the hearts of millions of vehicles performing at their best. With an exceptional engine oil, it only made sense to bring your car into a Mobil 1 Lube Express.
Mobil 1 Lube Express also offers a range of other services including engine & cabin air filter replacement, transmission flushes, engine flushes (if applicable), fuel & oil additives, fuel filters, fuel injection services, power steering flushes, differentials (front & rear), manual transmissions and more!
Find more information on Mobil 1 at: http://www.mobil.ca/Canada-English-LCW/default.aspx