Save 40% on a Long Distance Tea Leaf Reading or Tarot Card Reading with Tanya Lester from Tea Leaf Readings and More!
$20.00Sale Ends In:
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- Save 40% on a Long Distance Tea Leaf or Tarot Card Reading, only with Tanya Lester at Tea Leaf Readings and more!
- Option 1: 40% off a 30-Minute Long Distance Tea Leaf Reading or Tarot Card Reading with Tanya Lester from Tea Leaf Readings and more! - just $30
- Option 2: 40% off a 90-Minute Long Distance Tea Leaf Reading or Tarot Card Reading with Tanya Lester from Tea Leaf Readings and more! - just $54
- Tanya offers five types of long distance readings; Tea Leaf & Tarot Reading, Psychic Channelings, Psychic Mediumship, and even Russian Gypsy Card readings!
- Tanya will either call you long distance to do the reading over the telephone on a day and time that you've arranged, or you may receive the results via email, whichever you prefer.
- During her reading, she taps into your energy or aura, while viewing the leaves in the cup as a blueprint into the next months, or even years, of your life. It is a blueprint she believes you can choose to alter through free will.
- Grab this amazing opportunity for yourself, or as a gift for a loved one - with no location restrictions, these offers can be utilized by anybody!
Fine Print
- Expires: August 31, 2017
- Limit 1 per person, +2 as gifts
- Limit 1 redemption per person
- Appointments required (subject to availability)
- 24-hour cancellation/reschedule notice required or voucher is void
- Contact [email protected] to arrange your appointment, or call (250) 538-0086
- Inquire during booking to have your appointment via Skype, email, and/or telephone (may be subject to additional charges)
- Voucher valid only for option purchased
- Applicable taxes due upon redemption
More Details
The Reader:
Tanya is a third generation tea leaf reader who has been actively practicing since 1996, and has done readings & workshops in Canada, the United States and Europe. She has read for the famous and infamous, including CBC radio host Bill Richardson (Richardson’s Round-Up) on air in 2001, and most recently been featured on Carole Matthews radio and online broadcast in April 2017.
Tanya is also a reiki master (hands-on and long distance energy healer), tarot card reader, Russian gypsy card reader, freelance writer and published author and art model. After 15 years on Salt Spring Island, she currently lives, travels and housesits in beautiful BC and elsewhere.